2021 年晚会
我们的 2021 年联欢晚会庆祝活动在书中!
我们在令人叹为观止的国际遗产中心举办了一场令人惊叹且成功的筹款活动,200 位客人享受现场娱乐表演、美食晚餐和激动人心的无声拍卖,同时我们在星空下跳舞,庆祝过去一年的所有成就。
我们要感谢我们的 Gala 委员会团队在策划我们美丽的 Gala 筹款活动时所做的富有挑战性的工作和奉献精神。此外,感谢我们的赞助商和拍卖捐赠者的信任和信心,他们投资于我们为建设更好的社区所做的努力。





Dr. Antonia Issa Lahera currently works as an Associate Professor at CSU Dominguez Hills in the School Leadership Program. She has worked as a mentor for the National Urban Alliance and done extensive work around the country. Dr. Issa Lahera is the author of numerous book chapters, peer reviewed articles, and books.

David Bronner is an American corporate executive and activist. As the top executive at Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, he has become known for his activism around a range of issues, especially fair trade, sustainable agriculture, animal rights, and drug policy reform.

The Foamy Homies are a collective of artists, connecting people through songs and interactive performances.

Daniel is a self-taught 17-year-old pianist from Oceanside who is a straight-A student and a fulltime employee with aspirations of going to an Ivy League University pursuing a career in Musical Arts.

Cydney Davis is an actress, singer, songwriter, and vocal coach. She has sung background for artists such as Marvin Gaye, Ray Charles, Barry White, Joe Cocker, Donna Summer, Stevie Wonder and Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr. to name a few. She co-wrote the song "You're Gonna Love It" which was recorded by Motown diva Diana Ross in 1990.

Undercover Jams is an rR&B/soul group made of retired SDPD officers that have found a passion in singing classic 60's, 70's, and 80's hits with millions of views on YouTube and multiple social media platforms.
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